Sunday, April 26, 2015

I find myself praying...

Dear Jesus,

I find myself praying for many different things and people- things that touch my heart.  I find myself praying for the children and grandchildren of friends who have passed on, gone on to Heaven.  I find myself praying for the American system of justice, the executive brance the legislative brandh and for individual representatives and senators and especially for the President.

I look at the prophesies concerning our President and the middle east that you sent foth to use before the first inauguration.  You said he would bring peace in the middle east.  Everything else has come to pass that was in that prophesy.  So now we can look forward to peace in the middle east, not war.

So perhaps the treaty with Iran or something else will bring them under control.  And hopefully we can destroy ISIL very soon.

A Vision Board

I may not have had a proper vision board years ago, but I just thought today about a desire that I had and spoke out to a group of people from work when we were all on a retreat.  I wanted a big house with someone to clean it.

Well, today my cleaner/organizer came over as scheduled and cleaned my oven, my kitchen counters, my refrigerator and my wood floors.  Then she cleaned the half bath, vacuumed and dusted the rooms downstairs and hand vacuumed the carpeted stairs and landings.  She had 20 minutes left when she finished, so she cleaned windows in the dining room and the glass door in the foyer.  I am so appreciative.  Now that I am older it is tiring to clean so much.  It takes me days to do what she did in three hours.  She will be back next week to do more windows and more cleaning upstairs.  I love this woman.  She has a special ministry.

I just write this to say somethings I dreamed about and desired years ago have come to pass.

I have a proper vision board now- just a little one.  It is for summer fun to be had with my family.  There are some adventures I want to do and want their support in doing.  There is also a plan for some time to be spent relaxing on my front porch.  I hope to find white rockers priced just right.  I also included a desire for a traveling buddy to Cancun next year and a woman from Canada has agreed to go with me.  On another page of my vision board I have a desire for healing for my legs and feet- that they be beautiful, young and healthy again.

Now I'll see if all these things come to pass.

The Lord showed me so much about my own future when I was learning about dreams and revelation.  He showed me the vehicles I would have- both were utility vehicles, one red and another black, and I have the second one now.  I didn't recognize the woman driving the black one.  She was young and vibrant and driving a little too fast.  Now I see that was me and how He sees me.

God showed me a ministry that he gave the name playhouse.  I couldn't figure that out for years.  I thought it was work of some kind.  Maybe I was to have a publishing company called Playhouse Books, but that didn't come to pass.  Then after my husband passed. I read about the Red hat Society in Cleveland Magazine and later saw a documentary on TV of some Black women line dancing and just having fun in their RHS chapter. So I got involved in Red Hatting.

I'm still doing Red Hatting now for 8 years.  The theme this year is Permission to Play and this reminds me of the vision God gave me of a playhouse.  So I'm in that playhouse with new friends and sister friends having a good time playing and God planned it all.  We are meeting other great hatters and traveling a little and generally having a playful time.  God has given me permission to play.  Isn't that wonderful?

What a good God and lovng Father we have.  :-)  So I will involve God and prayer in my vision board and see those things come to pass.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Quiet Time with God

I am loving this new devotional, Dear Jesus.  It is helping me develop my own dialog with God.  j

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dear Jesus

Dear Jesus is my new devotional  and I love it!  Yesterday I began reading and meditating, and the Holy Spirit joined me.  My soul thirst for Him.  I sat still and let my Lord just do a work in me- smiling and loving Him the whole time.  So good.  I look forward to time with Him every day, again.