I awoke this morning to a preacher talking about retirement not being in the Bible anywhere and that working is our occupation and we should never stop working unless we are ill. I remembered how hard work was and every hateful job I had. I went in anyway daily, confronted the evils, worked hard, pushed back stuff to help those discriminated against, facing hard opposition, being ostracized and generally being what one personnel director called "a change agent."
I was given a hard time by those who supervised me, was never rewarded for my efforts, but continued to be a change agent for good wherever I could on my city job. Finally, one of the subcontractors that I oversaw under our department, gave me a break. He recommended me for a job that was so much better and paid more. I was now under the Federal government in a pilot program. I had a great boss that trained me well, set me up with some accounts and helped me become what he called "a tiger in the field." He gave me glowing reviews. When that job ended I tried to find a new job, started going to church again, and finally got back into the government, but there was some goodness and good people and friendships to be made in this new department with the county government. My boss was easy going and never put up any obstacles to keep me from doing well on the job. I made a big mistake however, when overlooked for a promotion. I left in anger to go work for a subcontractor. This was a mistake, and again I found myself in a hell with a demonic task master. I had to quit. My health had deteriorated and my life was miserable.
For nearly 10 years I didn't work. I found churches in revival and submerged myself in God. During those years God softened me, taught me how to be a loving wife, a homemaker, a good mother and grandmother. I was spirit-filled and surrounded by wonderful, spiritual women. I also went into ministry. My life was spent ministering to the Lord and others. Those were beautiful, exciting years. My marriage improved. I had the perfect Christian life. But after a while I began to miss working and having a daily job to go to. I was lonely at home during the day. So I prayed the Lord would give me a job that was ministry. He gave me a dream about that job and I went about looking for it. I tried a few new full-time jobs (which didn't work out) and also a part-time independent contractor position with a school system that did work. When all the other jobs failed I continued to love this part-time job.
When my husband passed I approached the superintendent of the school system for an opportunity to work full-time. He and my female director arranged it. My director negotiated the salary God had shown me I would be paid in this "ministry job" that I had prayed for. God had even shown me that a man and a woman would discuss the salary and make the offer, and that is how it happened. God also showed me in that dream that my office would have a sunny window.
I had a full-time job that I was allowed to continued to work from home. I had a great home office in our new home (but no sunny window) and I did the additional things the superintendent requested I do for him. This was perfect. This was my ministry job the Lord had promised. But alas, nothing good last forever on this earth. My nice director left and the superintendent hired a demonic overlord who became my new boss. I think she envied my work from home job and actually said to me, "If I can't work from home..." She didn't finish the sentiment, but I knew what she was saying. When she found an office for me she put me in it. It was a small storage room, but there was a sunny window. The God dream for my "ministry job" was confirmed. All of the description of it had come to pass. So I continued to do my job and love it.
However, the new boss made it difficult for me to function. She purposely put obstacles in the way to make me fail. But I had learned very early in my professional life how to work around obstacles and be successful. I worked under these conditions for a year. Finally, the new boss decided to make me quit. She took $10,000 from my salary and when that didn't work she gave me a bad review and discontinued my contract. I was forced to retire after only three years in the "ministry job" God had shown me in the dream. After it was all over I realized I had worked 10 years doing that job - 7 years part-time and 3 years full-time. I didn't realize that the part-time job was the "ministry job." I had received many accolades from my previous two directors for a job well done. They were lovely to work for. When I first started I was one of two Black people working in a professional position in this suburban school system, a forerunner, that helped the administration change and hire more Black people - principals, teachers and administrators. The last who would orchestrate my demise.
The Lord helped me to retire on half of my previous income and helped me make right decisions about keeping my home and to budget so I could live comfortably and travel with my savings. I haven't thought about trying to return to work and I have no pressures any more to do so. When my savings run out my grown children will be able to help supplement my retirement income.
Also I have found other retired friends to form a club and develop new friendships, and fun things to do together. Most are Christians and this makes for a good group.
So this morning I remembered all those things and asked the Lord if the preacher was right, and if retirement was not Biblical what could I do? God brought to mind the work of my organizer/cleaner and what a ministry she has helping me with my house work. She is a godsend. Then I got up, made my bed, surveyed the work I needed to continue in my closet with organizing my shoes, walked down the hall. I saw how rushed my daughter was getting out of the house at 6:00 am to her morning exercise, and on to work early after a long day yesterday, and I made her bed- something I don't usually do. I came downstairs tended to my little dog, saw the dirty blender that I knew I would wash in the sink for my daughter who had made a morning smoothie for breakfast. Then I read my e-mails and found an article on the benefits of journaling and decided to write all this down. :-)
So is retirement Biblical? Well, I believe we can lessen our workload. I think we all should. God is not like the devil, a slave master. Being "driven" and working for and trying to please a demonic boss, company, government or system that ruins your health and puts you in hell is not a good outcome. God's plans for us are not evil. (Jer 29:11) But when we are in an evil situation, we must learn to work as unto the Lord, with His help and involvement, and remember that for His children all things work together for good. (Rom 8:28) This is God's plan and is how we survive. God has shown me the purpose of all the hardships. He says long suffering builds character. (Romans 4:5) However, who would choose to continue working under a slave master when God opens a door to retirement and release.
Now I am released, free to do what I want and what God directs me to, which are the same now. I am still on this earth and I will occupy until He comes.
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