Monday, October 6, 2014

I Quit Facebook & Am Seeking God More

I had to do it.  I quit Facebook.  It was a waste of time.  So I am refocusing on my spiritual life, time with God, hearing Him and revisiting dream interpretation.  I am looking to get an updated prophesy on my life.

Things the Lord has shown me for my life have come to pass-- concerning my husband's death, my house purchase and the 5 major ministries I would have.  They have happened. There is a major event that is still to come to pass and another last ministry for the end times.  So recently I contacted a prophet for an update in personal prophesy and now am awaiting a response.  If that proves good and agrees with my spirit I will seek the Lord for complete healing and maybe launch my new ministry, if the Lord leads me to do so.

I am still a prayer warrior for my family.  Curiously I sought to expand this ministry to long lost relatives from my father's side, but contact with them didn't bear good fruit.  They are Jehovah Witnesses and though I pray for their conversion to Christianity and a spiritual encounter with the Holy Spirit, I feel that reuniting with them as close family is not in the plan.  So back to the drawing board and consentrating on the things God has for me.

Deepening my relationship with the Lord is first and foremost and continued  protective and prophetic prayer for my immediate family is still on my agenda.