Friday, June 26, 2015

Seeing in the Spirit

Seeing Jesus in an open vision was my first experience of seeing in the Spirit.  I had not yet given my life to the Lord.  I believe I was about 12.  It was summer time and there was a revival at our church.  I was only there to play with my cousins.  We were running around outside in the grave yard when someone called us in.  My cousins ran in and sat on the back pew and didn't make room for me.  I was standing there wondering where to sit when a woman I didn't know made me sit by her.  When I tried to look back at my giggling cousins she chastised me, made me look straight forward in my seat.  She may have been from the speaker's church or even his mother.
This pastor was much younger than our old pastor and I was drawn in by his message.  At some point I had an open vision of Jesus on the cross.  His arms outstretch and hands nailed to the cross.  His eyes were beautiful and intense with love as He looked straight at me.  I couldn't look anywhere but in His eyes.  I was so drawn to Him.  My heart broke from the love He felt for me.  I found myself going forward to the front of the church.  The vision faded and I was surprised when the young pastor stood near the choir and my old pastor grabbed me.  I had joined the church, but from that time on I was hungry to encounter the real Jesus again.
A friend and distant cousin from elementary school told me about a bible study that I could get in the mail. So I wrote off for it. and some of the hunger was satisfied as I diligently studied, looked up scriptures and waited for the next mailing.  
It was months before the old pastor scheduled my baptism.  It was dead of winter and a cold day.  My mother dressed me in winter undies, leggings, a wool skirt and wool sweater and brought a wool blanket to wrap me in.  When it was my turn, I stepped into the cold creek and was dunked by the old preacher.  When I came up I hoped to see a dove like at Jesus's baptism.  There was no dove, but I was cocooned in a wonderful warmth that shielded me from the cold wintry day.  My mother helped me out of the creek and I was so warm and comfortable as the cold water dripped from my hair, face and heavy clothes.  She asked if I wanted the blanket and I said no.  "Aren't you cold." she asked.  I wasn't cold.  She looked at me strangely.  I didn't really know what was happening until years later.  We walked silently to a relative's house where I dried off and changed clothes.
I was saved, baptised and Christ was in me.  My journey as a true born-again Christian had begun.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

I find myself praying...

Dear Jesus,

I find myself praying for many different things and people- things that touch my heart.  I find myself praying for the children and grandchildren of friends who have passed on, gone on to Heaven.  I find myself praying for the American system of justice, the executive brance the legislative brandh and for individual representatives and senators and especially for the President.

I look at the prophesies concerning our President and the middle east that you sent foth to use before the first inauguration.  You said he would bring peace in the middle east.  Everything else has come to pass that was in that prophesy.  So now we can look forward to peace in the middle east, not war.

So perhaps the treaty with Iran or something else will bring them under control.  And hopefully we can destroy ISIL very soon.

A Vision Board

I may not have had a proper vision board years ago, but I just thought today about a desire that I had and spoke out to a group of people from work when we were all on a retreat.  I wanted a big house with someone to clean it.

Well, today my cleaner/organizer came over as scheduled and cleaned my oven, my kitchen counters, my refrigerator and my wood floors.  Then she cleaned the half bath, vacuumed and dusted the rooms downstairs and hand vacuumed the carpeted stairs and landings.  She had 20 minutes left when she finished, so she cleaned windows in the dining room and the glass door in the foyer.  I am so appreciative.  Now that I am older it is tiring to clean so much.  It takes me days to do what she did in three hours.  She will be back next week to do more windows and more cleaning upstairs.  I love this woman.  She has a special ministry.

I just write this to say somethings I dreamed about and desired years ago have come to pass.

I have a proper vision board now- just a little one.  It is for summer fun to be had with my family.  There are some adventures I want to do and want their support in doing.  There is also a plan for some time to be spent relaxing on my front porch.  I hope to find white rockers priced just right.  I also included a desire for a traveling buddy to Cancun next year and a woman from Canada has agreed to go with me.  On another page of my vision board I have a desire for healing for my legs and feet- that they be beautiful, young and healthy again.

Now I'll see if all these things come to pass.

The Lord showed me so much about my own future when I was learning about dreams and revelation.  He showed me the vehicles I would have- both were utility vehicles, one red and another black, and I have the second one now.  I didn't recognize the woman driving the black one.  She was young and vibrant and driving a little too fast.  Now I see that was me and how He sees me.

God showed me a ministry that he gave the name playhouse.  I couldn't figure that out for years.  I thought it was work of some kind.  Maybe I was to have a publishing company called Playhouse Books, but that didn't come to pass.  Then after my husband passed. I read about the Red hat Society in Cleveland Magazine and later saw a documentary on TV of some Black women line dancing and just having fun in their RHS chapter. So I got involved in Red Hatting.

I'm still doing Red Hatting now for 8 years.  The theme this year is Permission to Play and this reminds me of the vision God gave me of a playhouse.  So I'm in that playhouse with new friends and sister friends having a good time playing and God planned it all.  We are meeting other great hatters and traveling a little and generally having a playful time.  God has given me permission to play.  Isn't that wonderful?

What a good God and lovng Father we have.  :-)  So I will involve God and prayer in my vision board and see those things come to pass.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Quiet Time with God

I am loving this new devotional, Dear Jesus.  It is helping me develop my own dialog with God.  j

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dear Jesus

Dear Jesus is my new devotional  and I love it!  Yesterday I began reading and meditating, and the Holy Spirit joined me.  My soul thirst for Him.  I sat still and let my Lord just do a work in me- smiling and loving Him the whole time.  So good.  I look forward to time with Him every day, again.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Praying for America

Continuing to pray...

Day 2 - Protection of president and his family.  For God to direct and guide him, to be a part of his life.  For imigration - America opens it's heart to families who want to come here, and softens it border policies, especially from Mexico.  Protection of America from terrorist and those who desire to destroy America and the mission God has given us to the Nations.

Day 3 - For God to melt the heart of the church and make them a powerful witness and light in America and the world.  Deliver the Church from racism, religious spirits, other evils.

Day 4 - Abortion to stop, children to be born, to thrive and live; Government to care for these babies when born to teenagers, poor families, welfare moms, and special care for rape victims, etc.

Day 5 - Prayer for families of all races and origins to raise their children in the way they should go and to introduce them to the Lord- give them to the Lord early.  Deliver families from devilish plots to destroy it sanctity, pornography, seperation, divorce, same sex marriage, perversion in the marriage bed, homosexuality, etc.

Day 6 - 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A 40 Day Prayer Commitment- Day 1

Last night I re-read an old Charisma Magazine.  The articles were surprisingly good the second time around.  I was having trouble sleeping and thought this will put me to sleep, but did the opposite. Instead of getting sleepy, I got inspired.  I read one article after another, mostly on worship, then one on intercession, until I came to the one on Prayer- a prayer commitment.  I decided to do it.  It is a 40 day commitment to prayer and intimacy with the Lord having suggestions and scripture for each day and a lead in to prayer.  Early this morning, in the wee hours, I read the first day of my commitment and re-started my Prayer Journal.

This first day was all about repentance for myself and preparation of my heart to sincere prayer.  I hadn't responded recently to the Presence of the Holy Spirit not sought to inquire what He wanted of me.  I felt sad about that.  I missed the intimacy with Him.  As I pondered my need to repent some things came to mind.  I meditated on the scripture, "Be not conformed to this world...," and thought how I was spending so much time watching Primetime TV and the addictive shows.  So I started with Scandal.  "Lord I can let this one go," I thought.  I was happy how the last program ended with the angry Black father getting justice for his dead son lying in the street, killed by a white (racist) cop. This was a good ending for me.  So I could stop here.  I put Scandal on the altar.

Next I thought of "Being Mary Jane."  I had spoken out loud while watching it saying what needs to happen in that episode and I was not surprised things happened just as I had proclaimed.  I believe the Holy Spirit showed me what was going to happen.  I could relax knowing this show was going to go along lines that would encourage Black single, career women who wanted babies.  I also believe there will be outcomes to encourage these same women toward marriage and motherhood- a godly scenerio.  So praying for these TV shows, writers and creators came to mind.  So I prayed for "Getting Away With Murder" and the creator, Shonda Rhimes, that the outcome of that show would honor what is right and point to God.

I prayed for OWN, Tyler Perry, for the writing of his shows, and Oprah Winfrey.  For Oprah I prayed her life would take a turn toward God, toward Jesus in a grand way- that she would have such a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit that her life would never be the same.  I prayed her ministry would be to share the reality of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) to the world and put fire in the hearts of viewers worldwide to desired what she has.  My computer froze up at that point and I continued the Oprah prayer outloud knowing the devil was upset with this declaration and tried to stop my prayers from going forth.

I knew I would continue to watch and pray for the Good Wife and Madame Secretary.  They were good political shows, and I would drop some other shows.  It was a start.  I was getting rid of some, praying for some and these shows would affect viewers in a positive way.

Then I closed the laptop, turned out the light and went to sleep knowing I will continue with Day 2...

Sunday, March 1, 2015


February is the month of love and this month I had a great dream from the Lord.  It was short and simple and showed me His love for me and the intimacy of a relationship with Him.   Dream communication is a blessing and I truly love the Lord.  I trust Him and I depend on Him.  He is a wonderful God.  He is my God.

Friday, February 6, 2015

What Does a Retiree do All Day?

What does a normal day look like for me when it is too cold and snowy to go out and no sunshine.  I stay in and sleep to 10:30 a.m.  I pray.  Then I get up, make my bed, dress comfortably for the day.  Decide what one work thing I'll do today that needs my immediate attention.  Decide it is the ottoman in the parlor.

How is my day so far (3:18 p.m.):

Ate a banana, rice cake with peanut butter for breakfast, and coffee!
Took meds and vitamins
Watched "The View"
Fixed ottoman leg
Played fetch with my dog
Shopped on line for vitamins for eyes (purchased)
Searched for giant sized 925 silver hoop earrings
Made healthy lunch
Drank glass of red wine
Watched "How to Get Away With Murder" on DVD
Watching Steve Harvey, writing in journal and finishing wine

Still to do:

Prepare package for a USPS return (done)
Contemplating vacuuming down stairs (did it)

Done working:
Now, relaxing with a cup of no guilt cocoa (diet).
Texting with my son in Tampa after work. He's happy with work today.

It's end of day and I may watch some prime time TV tonight or a movie on Netflix.

Tomorrow is Saturday and my daughter has a boatload of things planned to keep me busy.  LOL
But one good thing is I'm gettng a pedicure.  :-)

Good evening.

Received a package from UPS.  Its the earthing shoes I ordered from Juils 50% off sale.  Returning one pair.  Keeping one pair.

Searched again for 3 inch 925 silver hoops and found them on Amazon!  Bought them!
Watching NAACP Image Awards (9:30 p.m.)  Dog is snoring on couch with me.  Daughter has gone to bed.  I'm wide awake.  Will probably take a supplement to help me sleep.

Well, that's my typical winter stay-in day.  Good night all.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Retiring Not Biblical?

I awoke this morning to a preacher talking about retirement not being in the Bible anywhere and that working is our occupation and we should never stop working unless we are ill.  I remembered how hard work was and every hateful job I had.  I went in anyway daily, confronted the evils, worked hard, pushed back stuff to help those discriminated against, facing hard opposition, being ostracized and generally being what one personnel director called "a change agent."

I was given a hard time by those who supervised me, was never rewarded for my efforts, but continued to be a change agent for good wherever I could on my city job.  Finally, one of the subcontractors that I oversaw under our department, gave me a break.  He recommended me for a job that was so much better and paid more.  I was now under the Federal government in a pilot program.  I had a great boss that trained me well, set me up with some accounts and helped me become what he called "a tiger in the field."  He gave me glowing reviews.  When that job ended I tried to find a new job, started going to church again, and finally got back into the government, but there was some goodness and good people and friendships to be made in this new department with the county government.  My boss was easy going and never put up any obstacles to keep me from doing well on the job.  I made a big mistake however, when overlooked for a promotion. I left in anger to go work for a subcontractor.   This was a mistake, and again I found myself in a hell with a demonic task master.  I had to quit.  My health had deteriorated and my life was miserable.

For nearly 10 years I didn't work. I found churches in revival and submerged myself in God. During those years God softened me, taught me how to be a loving wife, a homemaker, a good mother and grandmother.  I was spirit-filled and surrounded by wonderful, spiritual women.  I also went into ministry.  My life was spent ministering to the Lord and others.  Those were beautiful, exciting years. My marriage improved.  I had the perfect Christian life.  But after a while I began to miss working and having a daily job to go to.  I was lonely at home during the day.  So I prayed the Lord would give me a job that was ministry.  He gave me a dream about that job and I went about looking for it.  I tried a few new full-time jobs (which didn't work out) and also a part-time independent contractor position with a school system that did work.  When all the other jobs failed I continued to love this part-time job.

When my husband passed I approached the superintendent of the school system for an opportunity to work full-time.  He and my female director arranged it.  My director negotiated the salary God had shown me I would be paid in this "ministry job" that I had prayed for.  God had even shown me that a man and a woman would discuss the salary and make the offer, and that is how it happened.  God also showed me in that dream that my office would have a sunny window.

I had a full-time job that I was allowed to continued to work from home.  I had a great home office in our new home (but no sunny window) and I did the additional things the superintendent requested I do for him.  This was perfect.  This was my ministry job the Lord had promised. But alas, nothing good last forever on this earth.  My nice director left and the superintendent hired a demonic overlord who became my new boss.  I think she envied my work from home job and actually said to me, "If I can't work from home..."   She didn't finish the sentiment, but I knew what she was saying.  When she found an office for me she put me in it.  It was a small storage room, but there was a sunny window.  The God dream for my "ministry job" was confirmed.  All of the description of it had come to pass.  So I continued to do my job and love it.

However, the new boss made it difficult for me to function.  She purposely put obstacles in the way to make me fail.  But I had learned very early in my professional life how to work around obstacles and be successful.  I worked under these conditions for a year. Finally, the new boss decided to make me quit.  She took $10,000 from my salary and when that didn't work she gave me a bad review and discontinued my contract.  I was forced to retire after only three years in the "ministry job" God had shown me in the dream.  After it was all over I realized I had worked 10 years doing that job - 7 years part-time and 3 years full-time.  I didn't realize that the part-time job was the "ministry job."  I had received many accolades from my previous two directors for a job well done.  They were lovely to work for.  When I first started  I was one of two Black people working in a professional position in this suburban school system, a forerunner, that helped the administration change and hire more Black people - principals, teachers and administrators.  The last who would orchestrate my demise.

The Lord helped me to retire on half of my previous income and helped me make right decisions about keeping my home and to budget so I could live comfortably and travel with my savings.  I haven't thought about trying to return to work and I have no pressures any more to do so.  When my savings run out my grown children will be able to help supplement my retirement income.

Also I have found other retired friends to form a club and develop new friendships, and fun things to do together.  Most are Christians and this makes for a good group.

So this morning I remembered all those things and asked the Lord if the preacher was right, and if retirement was not Biblical what could I do?  God brought to mind the work of my organizer/cleaner and what a ministry she has helping me with my house work.  She is a godsend.  Then I got up, made my bed, surveyed the work I needed to continue in my closet with organizing my shoes, walked down the hall.  I saw how rushed my daughter was getting out of the house at 6:00 am to her morning exercise, and on to work early after a long day yesterday, and I made her bed- something I don't usually do.  I came downstairs tended to my little dog, saw the dirty blender that I knew I would wash in the sink for my daughter who had made a morning smoothie for breakfast.  Then I read my e-mails and found an article on the benefits of journaling and decided to write all this down.  :-)

So is retirement Biblical?  Well, I believe we can lessen our workload.  I think we all should.  God is not like the devil, a slave master.  Being "driven" and working for and trying to please a demonic boss, company, government or system that ruins your health and puts you in hell is not a good outcome.  God's plans for us are not evil. (Jer 29:11)  But when we are in an evil situation, we must learn to work as unto the Lord, with His help and involvement, and remember that for His children all things work together for good. (Rom 8:28)  This is God's plan and is how we survive.  God has shown me the purpose of all the hardships.  He says long suffering builds character.  (Romans 4:5) However, who would choose to continue working under a slave master when God opens a door to retirement and release.

Now I am released, free to do what I want and what God directs me to, which are the same now.  I am still on this earth and I will occupy until He comes.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

In My Closet

I studied Intagram yesterday for ideas to organize and store my purses and bags.  My closet is already so full none of the ideas would work there.  So I went to bed with closet organization on my mind and the Lord showed me that I have some space for large and small purses.  I need to re-organize what is already in those spaces and better utilize the area.

So when I woke up I pulled some things down and made a little space for the big bags!  Today that is my work to do.  Pulling down stuff and making better use of the space!

I did what the Lord showed me in the dream.  All my bags and purses are organized!  I aslso organized my scarves and hung them on a special hanger for scarves and belts.  I am so excited about how my closet is looking.  Tomorrow I will neatly arrange shoes that need to be in the closet.  I see where they can go.   Just think.  I was so overwhemed by the discord, disarray and disorganization.  It was affecting my psyche.  Now my rooms are peaceful.  I love going in to sleep.

It is amazing how good God is.  He cares about the things that concern us.  Even the little things. And He gives us solutions. He is a good Father.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

So Thankful!

Dear Lord,

I am so thankful that you are my God.  You visit me on days I don't expect you and warm my heart with your love and Presence.  You answer my prayers at just the right time.  Thank you for the protection you extend to my little family, to all that we have, and to our future, our faith and the hope you have put in us.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Happy, Happy Happy! I'm organized.

I have an organizer!  She organized my dresser drawers, put away all my clean clothes that were sitting around in baskets, unpacked clean clothes from suitcases from my last trip.  She moved suitcases and shoes that I wear infrequenty to storage in rooms behind my walk-in-closet.  Then she dusted my room. Wow! My bedroom looks amazing!

This inspires me to organize and clean my dressing room next.  Then organize my closet.  I've got to figure out how to organize my purses and bags.

Anyway, today I am washing clothes that were worn and strewed around the room on furniture, on the floor, on the bed, etc.  I am folding things neatly and will put these things away in my neat. organized drawers.  I actually have three dressers almost full!

I own too many clothes and shoes, so after I wash everything I will go through and decide what to keep and what to give away.  I am organized and it feels so good.  I want to sing and dance to the Happy Song. :-)

My organizer already said we will spring clean and do windows and seals.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Good News

What is the Good News?  God, our Creator, wants to be your Heavenly Father.  He has provided the Way through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the only way to God.  Every other claim is false.  You can't get there by good works or religion of any kind.  It is by the sacrifice of the only begotten Son on the cross and the shedding of His Blood for our sins and for our sinful nature that we are saved.

 John 14:6 
New International Version
Jesus answered,
"I am
the way and the truth 
and the life. No
one comes to
the Father except
through me.

Romans 10:15
And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"  

So my feet are beautiful for I bring the Good News.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

My Greatest Desire in Life!

My greatest desire in life has been fulfilled.  I have a young woman to help me clean my house and torganize my stuff.   Years ago on a retreat we were asked what did we desire most.  I had a demanding job that took every last bit of energy and I said, "I want a big hous, wth lot of spacee and someone toclean it.  That desire was answered by a mouse.

I had a mouse invasion when I came back from vacation.   I needed help cleaning and organizing.  I had to buy D-con pelletts and that stuff works. We neve had mice before.

My daughter saw the mouse twice in the wee hurs ofthe morning.  It had found the dog food and chewed a hole in it and my pantry and laundry room closet was full of the mouse droppings.  I pulled everything outI and began cleaning.  Then it seemed they moved from there to my kitchen d rawers.  Cleaned them three times and the last time I put in the D-con.  I saw  green droppings, evidence that the mouse or mice were eating good.  Waited a few days and no new signs.    But I needed help.

The young woman came over and organized the laundry room closet and cleaned the lower cabinet that held my garbage cans.   My junky closet is so organized now.  She cleaned and stacked  my milk crates to hold hats and scarves.  My coats are hung nicely.  I did some work too. My pantry is clean and organized and I am a happy camper. She also straightened my red hats in the front hall closet and has her eyes on improving that one..  She is a great organizer.  Can't wait until she comes back.

Next time she comes we will tackle my bedroom walk-in closet and storage space.  Then we will clean the areas I can't get to any more.  Lik under beds, behind dressers, inside windows and seals, baseboards and dusty corners,, and all that stuff. After that she will come regularly to clean my house and keep it clean.  She loves her work and I love having her.  She is a dream come true.