Friday, December 3, 2010

A Return to Prayer & Intercession

Today I was reading excerpts from some classic Christian Literature-- authors such as The Authority of the Intercessor by J.A. MacMillan, Soul and Spirit by Jessie Penn Lewis, You Will Never be the Same by Basilea Schlink and Watchman Nee's The Spiritual Man Volume I.

I haven't been feeling very spiritual as of late.  I've been concerned about not getting an unemployment check after next week and also the possibility of increased taxes in 2011 from the low 10% to a raised 15% minimum when I access untaxed dollars from my Individual Retirement Accounts.  These concerns about worldly things deplete the spirit and test our faith.  So I went searching for these old masters to help rebuild my faith and ignite in me a hunger for the Word that my spirit could be rebuilt and nourished.  I rediscovered some important truths in these old books (which are online for free).  Many of them I have owned in paperback and given to others to help their spiritual growth over the years.  As I read I was reminded of my spiritual beginnings- my salvation, my water baptism, the born-again experience, the onset of my spiritual regeneration, my spiritual baptism.  Each of these is an individual experience emblazened onto my memory of encounters with God that will not allow me to forget the reality of His existence and His love and acceptance of me into His Family.  It took me back to the days of living in the Secret Place under the shadow of the Almighty and being taught of Him.  I call him, my Abba, and He called me Shonda, His beautiful daughter.  I remember our walks together through the neighborhood and the people who stared as if they could see Him.  I remember when He stood in my breakfast nook, invisible, but present none the less, as I wept at His feet. So many wonderful experiences. 

Those were amazing years.  With all that has transpired since then, I was feeling not as close and not so spiritual now, as then.  But I am realizing I am ready to find my way back to the depths of Christ and once again dedicate my days to study, consuming the Word, basking in His presence, listening and praying, and especially interceding for causes and people He brings to mind.  I was considering the call to intercession that He first assigned me to -- family, friends, my children's friends, fellow Christians, then churches and leadership, and then the ministry to the city of Cleveland.  Today I felt a call to pray for our President, for the workings of Congress, for the new Ohio senator, and for particular happenings in other areas of the World-- Africa, Israel... 

Prophets such as Kim Clement and John Paul Jackson have seen attempts on the Presidents life and although the potential assassins are not going to be successful there could be a setting forth of evils that would adversely affect our country for years to come.  So praying against these demonic plans are becoming assigned areas for many intercessors, I believe.  Our country is being infiltrated by false religions whose long term plans are to overtake America politically and religiously and to bring Christianity to nothing.  God still sees America as a Christian nation born of God, and we are under His protection-- even our economy and our position in the World as a super power and a force for good (though we know there is corruption).  He has a plan and a purpose for us that no other nation will fulfill.  Greed and corruption must be exposed and brought down in the American Church, in our Financial Institutions, in Business and in Government.  So more tough times have to happen.  More things are going to be exposed.  America must be brought to her knees. Christians will need to literally look to our Heavenly Father for food, shelter and provision in these dark times.  We will become a bright light in gross darkness, and people will come to that light.

President Obama was appointed for a time such as this, and the leaders who will follow.  He needs our prayers and needs to yield to the guidance God would provide as he makes decisions for our country and decisions that impact the world.  We need to know who our enemies are and who our allies are.  As we pray God responds.  He reminded me of this.  So today has been a return to prayer and intercession.  And I know that His Word abides in me and I abide in Him.  He is my Fortress.  As I return to the Secret Place to live and abide under the Shadow of the Almighty, I know whatever I ask in His Name He will do.

1 comment:

  1. Kay,
    I enjoyed reading this post...
    Such strange and trying times we currently reside. I too believe we need to pray for our President, as I feel he has been chosen for a reason most will never comprehend.

    Greatness emerges from struggle, and America is definitely a conflicted and struggling nation. Our President is the oonduit to that greatness, even though so many can't see it, or don't want to accpet it.

    In due time, most likely long after Obama is out of office, his impact will be noted and applauded. I'm not overly religious, but I believe in God's will, and God is teaching this nation a lesson...

    I'm happy that you are finding your spiritual/religous grounding once again. We need people like you to help the rest of us keep faith, and believe the best is yet to come :-)
